Monday, December 11, 2006



Day 1 ( 06/12/2006)

Phew.. I'm finally back from the torture but quite a nice experience camp (National Leadership Development Seminar & Mid NatCon 2006). It was a 5 days 4 nights conferences at University Sains Malaysia (USM). We missed the 1st day activity on 6th of Dec due to LAW exam (we departed at 2.30pm at Pudu) and we manage to reached USM at about 7-8pm. Our day, Oops!! night started with the NLDS 2006 Gala Dinner as an opening ceremony in the USM hall. The food is alright but it was quite a hazard as everyone is like fighting for food (haha.. kinda funny though). Then we headed back to our hostel (check in) at about 12-1 something AM. It was kinda tiring and torturing because the Girl's hostel is uphill and pretty far (prevent the guys from peeping at the girls) from the place we take our bus to the Plenary (the place where we held our seminar). Sigh, on the way walking to our hostel, my luggage roller spoiled and i have to carry the HEAVY luggage all the way uphill together with 2 other small bags under the rain which causes my leg bruises (TORTURE TORTURE TORTURE). Then we unload our stuff and straight for shower and ready for next day battle though i neva really had a good night sleep. (LOL)

Day 2 (7/12/2006)

We started our day by planning a roll call.

"Samba eh ah, Samba oh ah, Sam Mina Mina, Samba oh ah, HELP sama HELP, HELP ada kuasa, HELP jangan takut sama DIA!"

When we reached the Plenary, we did our square dance and roll call. Then we are divided into NLDS and MNC. (I was MNC delagtes). Though in MNC session its pretty boring but i learned alot as a PD-ians. The best activity i had is the TELEMATCH. It really needs lots of corperations and skills with the members. It was a pretty sticky and smelly day so the MC decided to cancel our colourful party (so sad). But sadly bad news, all the NLDS delegates have to walk back to our hostel from plenary. OMG, almost 45 minutes walk. But, we stayed back for our Day 3 Roll Call and practice our square dance (stupid cupid).

Day 3 (8/12/2006)

As usual we started our day with our very 1st AIESEC HELP Square Dance *Stupid Cupid) and Roll Call.

"Help!! Help!! Hungry Hungry!! Hokkien Mee ar Char Kuey Teow ar Asam Laksa chin Ho Chiak, Ho chiak Ho chiak cin Ho Chiak!!"

It was a HIV/AIDS launch (For your information, AIESEC Malaysia is giving out free condom, so feel free to take it LOL). Then as usual the AIESEC MBA under PD department and at about 8.30 MNC is helding Legislation which is Aiesec HELP's status will be announced. Eventually AIESEC HELP is upgraded from Initiative Group to Pro-Tem group. *Congratulation*, then we had our night stalk where i got my bruises from (I fell down). It was kinda weird but i enjoy it coz the MC really puts in lots of hard work in it. And as usual we walked back again and stayed back for roll call.

Day 4 (9/12/2006)

As usual Roll Call and Square Dance

"Help...NO, Tolong....NO, Kao Meng ARK...NO NO NO NO NO, We are aiesec HUC ar aiesec HUC, H U C.. aiesec H U C~!!"

Nothing much today, so i straight to Global Village. It was kinda pissing off moment as there is miscommunication and misunderstanding between our team members. I knew the cueca chile dance is gonna be screwed up so we decided to practice but eventually we are late for something due to some miscommunication. Though it was kinda pissing off, the one and only moment i cannot forget is to see the dancers dance. Me and Sandra couldn't stop laughing especially cui cui and mun mun. ahahahaha (dem funny man the way dance). We are the 7th group who are supposed to dance. During the dance, me and sandra still couldn't stop laughing as it is FUNNY especially the way they dance even when i try to video they dance. But overall everyone enjoyed the moment together. I do at times really enjoy the night walk back to our hostel especially bitching around with zin mun and sandra. LoL. FuNnY fUnNy. We can't stop laughing eventhough it passed hours ago. *VIVA bitching session* LoL can't stop laughing man.

Day 5 (10/12/2006)

Finally last day of torture camp, we woke up real late today due to the exhausted body for past few days, this time i need to carry the s2pid luggage downhill with my other bags. OMG, It was like carrying few hundred KG of rice man. It was also a f***ed up morning. sigh.. lazy to elaborate this s2pid childish thing (mencemarkan my blog aje). And as usual Roll call and square dance.

"Eee Ooo Eee Ooo, Hello Hello, 911, Help me laR Help me Lar, Hello Hello, 911, sakit lar sakit lar, Hello Hello, 911, 'sakit' lar 'sakit' lar, I'm bleeding I'm bleeding"

(Soli Soli, forgotten the others LoL)

We went through the mock LCP election and Pimp my plan for my LC and finally closing ceremony with a great big hug from everyone. We went back together with TBS in a bus of 40 ppl. (OMG so cram wei). Wei Hoe picked me up and i FINALLY i reached my beloved home at about 1 something AM.

* I will be posting the photos and videos soon, Stay Tune *


M00nie said...

glad dat u had fun. though it seems dat there r complaints too. =)
ooh, how forgetful of me dat i forgotten bout da chile dance. forgotten to ask zm bout how it went. thanks for da reminder.
quickly show me da video, wana c how she shake her butt. =p

Sim Yee Joo said...

LoL... angie.. the video confirm will enlighthen ur day man. If not bcoz of the chile dance My mood would have already sunk deep sea long time ago.. LoL... its dem funny.. wahhahaz... stay tune ya