Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Beautiful Memories in Pulau Perhentian

WoOHoO~!! Just got back from the Malaysia's most beautiful crystal clear Island, Pulau Perhentian, Terrengganu. It was a great and awesome moment with Angela, Zin Mun, Christine, Wei Hoe and Cakie.

D A Y 1

The Beautiful Pulau Perhentian

Our journey started with the 8 hours long night bus ride from PWTC to Kuala Besut which cost only RM30.80 per trip. We arrived at the Kuala Besut at approximately 6 in the morning. We had our early breakfast at one of the coffee shop in front of the Mahligai Bus station while waiting for the Perhentian Island Resort office to open at 9.30a.m. So, after the breakfast we mingle around the jetty and as usual cam whoring. =]

Can't resist the beautiful Sun Rise at Kuala Besut Jetty

I am so gonna own one of these speed boat someday

The Place where we mingle around while waiting for the Office to open

I Just can't stop laughing at this 2 freak. Jk Jk

After Cam Whoring at the Jetty, we had decided to buy our fro bus ticket from the bus counter. It was a shocking news when the lady told us that the bus ticket was sold out and the only left was on 10th June (Sunday). In fact i don't mind staying longer or extend our stay Pulau Redang [HAHA] . However, we got our Bus ticket at the Perhentian Resort Office and it's was disappointing as the bus ticket is at 9.30 am on 8th June. Initially, me, wei hoe and cakie planned to take the night bus as we could enjoy longer at Perhentian but I guess Lady Luck is not on our side. [Sigh] Oh Well, Finally it's the departure time to Pulau Perhentian from the Jetty.

L-R : Dear (WeiHoe), Zin Mun, Christine [ Dear where are your looking at?]

L-R : Cakie, JoOzie, Angela

Group Photo from ZinMun when we reached Pulau Perhentian

The Perhentian Resort Jetty

Angie, Me, Woman and Cabor posing for the camera in front of the Resort Lobby

On our way to our Chalet

Once we reached, Wei Hoe, Cakie and I couldn't resist the crystal clear beach, so we jump into the water and swim around in our normal attire. After the checked-in to our beautiful chalet, We rest and prepare for our 1st Snorkeling trip at about 2 pm. It was a great and awesome experience swimming together with many different types of fishes and corals. We fed the fishes with bread and biscuits while we were snorkeling in the crystal clear water. We also manage to catch the view of 1 gigantic leather back turtle and 1 small turtle during our last snorkeling trip. We ended our day with sexy batik dinner.

Wei Hoe and Cakie enjoying the beautiful SunSet scenery

My Dear is so cute man [Jerrell's ASS was here]

Aint she Hot?

They look so different in batik

Girls in Batik [Photo from ZM]

After our dinner, everyone is getting tired and back to our chalet. Angie, ZM, and Christine stayed at the chalet for some pillow talk where me, wei hoe and cakie start our little exploring to the other side of Pulau Perhentian. It was a great and exciting adventure as we need to cross the wooden bridge in the darkness with only 2 torchlight. As we explore we found many little sea living creatures.

I love this picture very much. The crab is so CUTE

Another species of Crab. The other 1 looks cuter

Can you imagine how near is this stingray? The most awesome moment to see a stingray swimming around

A blue Crab. It's shell are soft

A type of Beautiful Sea cucumber

Oh Well, We ended our day with a BIG SMILE while walking back to our chalet. We reached our chalet at about 11pm and take our good rest for second day.

D A Y 2

I woke up at about 8am in the morning where all the girls are still sleeping. I was so excited for the early morning breeze and I woke Wei Hoe and Cakie up to accompany me for a morning walk at the beach.

The Cold breeze outside our chalet

The beautiful morning breeze at the beach side

Can you see how crystal clear is the water?

Me sitting at the rocks

And then, we start our 2nd Snorkeling Trip at about 10.30am after breakfast. Our first snorkeling spot were the Shark Point. It was the nicest place we even went as we could actually swim with the small fishes and then sharks. But unfortunately I never get to see the sharks as I was too slow due to the floated. Anyway Wei Hoe please bring me to KLCC Aquaria then. [HAHA]. After the shark point we proceed to 2 more spot which is the turtle bay and corals. This time the turtle were not as big as the first day but it is still a very exciting adventure to chase the turtle. The are really FAST.

Me enjoying feeding the thousands of fishes

Me and Zin Mun Snorkeling in the crystal clear water

Me, Can you see those fishes? So beautiful.

We back to our resort at about 12pm and we continue our day with the canoing. It was tired and soak under the hot sun. But I enjoyed it. Then Me, Wei Hoe, Angie, ZinMun and Christine went for a day walk to the other side of the Perhentian. Then we had our delicious banana splits while enjoying the seaview. Then, due to the temptations to snorkel, Wei Hoe and I decided to swim across to our resort. I really love that moment as I could see many different types of fishes and a bigger version of stingray.

Wei Hoe trying to dig a hole with the canoe stick

The 3 angels

ANOTHER angel in the center

A precious group photos after the snorkeling

Our Delicious Banana Splits at Coral View resort

Angie, Woman and me

Like what she said, My Cam Whore partner [LOL]

Then we went back to take our clean bath. We suppose to go for our jungle trekking but everyone were to tired and sleepy so I 'dated' my cam whore partner to accompany me for a walk and enjoy the sunset moment.

The beautiful sunset

Me and Woman enjoying the nice sunset

As usual Cam Whore is our favorite past time

US relax and enjoying the cold breeze

After our dinner, We had a blast at our 1 hour karaoke session at the resort and then we have decided to once again explore the Perhentian Island at the other side but this time is together with my BC. I had the MOST greatest moment because we actually walked across in the middle of the ocean. During night time the tide were indeed very low as the water level are only reaching ankle length. The best moment of my life were standing in the middle of the ocean looking at the shining stars. It was AWESOME. We ALSO manage to see a lot of beautiful sea creatures. So, we ended our day/night by going back to our chalet at 1.30am.

Singing = Sound Pollutions. HAHA but we had a great time polluting

Wanna eat raw anchovies?

First time i see a big Sea urchins

I can admit ZinMun is a really good photographer

Oh Well, We ended our trip by checking out in the morning to catch our morning bus back to KL. But things went wrong half way our trip back to KL. The Bus broke down for almost 2 hours. So we reached home about 9pm. I am gonna missed Pulau Perhentian as much as I missed my other Holiday trips with my beloved friends


cr4zy/b3autiful said...

I really enjoyed this trip too!!! I'm glad to have experienced my first visit to Perhentian With You =)

cr4zy/b3autiful said...

ooh btw, can u send me the sunset pictures that I took with you on Day 2??? Thanks in advance :D