Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Chieftian Meets (TCM) II 2007/2008

The Chieftian Meets (TCM) II is where all Local Committee Presidents (LCP) from the 8 Local Commitees (LC) and Member Committees (MC) of AIESEC Malaysia meet to plan and discuss on AIESEC for each respective Local Committees which were held last Saturday and Sunday.

The Agenda for the TCM II were the SWOT analysis for each Local Committee (LC) and Member Committee (MC), Our 6 months plans for each LC, and also the KPIs. It was a tense and pressure moment throughout the 2 days as I realized that I have not fully achived my goals I have set for the past 6 months.

On the last day of TCM, I was even decided to give up on AIESEC due to numerous matters but however Cafrey Ma, President of UPM had enlightneed me by saying 'whatever I do today will always be the achievement for the LC in the future'. Till then I have decided to bring my LC forward and win the most progressive LC during AMAN 2008.

The Chieftian Meet II 2007/2008

The Local Committee Presidents and Member Committees 07/08

The Serious Side of Us and Never Mess with Us

The Crazee Side of Us

Unforgetable Moment in AIESEC

Local Committee Presidents 07/08 [Left-Right: Stefan, Sook Teng, Cafrey, Fadli, Yan Lee, Yee Joo, Rene]

Member Committee 07/08 [Clockwise: James, Zee Ean, Nick, William, Ariff, Jasper, Geral, Sandy, Csilla, Ethan]

The Future Men and Women Leaders in Malaysia

AIESEC Malaysia 2007/2008

Thank You AIESEC for all these Happy and Memorable moments plus Great Experiences

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