Saturday, December 2, 2006

Got tagged By Woman

Four jobs I would stink at:

1. Proffesors (I'm a lazy girl who cant lead anyone man LoL ...)
2. Maid ( Crazy..lazy to clean man lerrrr )
3. Dunno lerr.. actually i stink at everything... hohoohoh
4. Engineer ( lazy to study hard course...LOL)

Four pretend nicknames I'm making up for myself:

1. ca bor
2. lazy bum
3. stoner

Four movies I've watched over and over (and not fall asleep):

1. Shaman King
2. One piece
3. Rob B Hood
4. dunno ler... lazy to think

Four things I love to do on weekends:

1. SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. SLEEP!!!!
3. ONLINE!!!!!
4. THROW MY BOOKS AWAY~!!! lol jk jk

Four alcoholic beverages I've enjoyed:

1. Civas
2. Jack Daniel
3. Tequila Pop
4. XO

Four celebrities I would go on a big date with:

1. Jerrell
2. Loo
3. Wei
4. Hoe (lol....)

Four things I could not live without (excluding essentials):

1. Mt Beloved D.E.A.R & F.R.I.E.N.D.S
2. MY beloved laptop
3. My beloved BED
4. Me beloved HANDPHONE

Four of my favourite foods, whom I'd like to bon appetite with:

1. Japanese FOOD
2. Fried Chicken
3. Pizza
4. ANYTHING lerrr

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. PARISSSSSSSSS.....hohoohohoh shop shop shop
2. JAPAN~!!!! ( C PPL drift)
3. U.S ( wahahahz... dunno y ler..)
4. Perhentian ( eheheh okok is lame... but it says NOW ma)

Four people I'm mercilessly tagging:

1. dunno wor
2. whoever lerrr
3. anyone lerrr
4. Whoever who visits my blog...teehee


M00nie said...

yer .. such a alcoholic !

Sim Yee Joo said...

Bleakz~!!! I just write in only~!! hohoho though i dun drink ehehe...

cr4zy/b3autiful said...

ceh...copy & paste directly from me.....change some answers ..didnt know u are such a loyal gf...hehe.anw, good job least u hv the spirit to start a blog...welcome welcome to the world of bloggers :D