Monday, January 1, 2007

Steamboat Party

29th December 2006

Left to Right - Zin Mun, Me, Wei Hoe, Angela, Cakie

WoOHoO~!! Steamboat Party with my BC is unforgetable. (But the sad part is our Beloved Christine is not around..NVM theres always next time girl). This is My first time having a self make steamboat party and it was PERFECT. I never knew my BC girls were so cooperative and puts in lots of effort. At about 11 am we met up at HELP University College and later on we proceed to GIANT HYPERMARKET @ KJ for groceries, but the seafoods are not quite favoury and so we drove to CAREFOUR @ Subang Jaya. After buying our 'raw materials' like Crabs, Prawns, Dory Fish, Fish Balls, Vege, Eggs and others, we stopped by at my current house to collect the chicken soup boiled by my mum (Thanks Mum) for our steamboat together with the cutleries. At my apartment, we rest and start washing, cleaning and cutting for preparations. I am so touched when my 'MARIA @ Angie' helped me with the sweeping and mopping and Zin Mun with the seasoning and cutting. After the preparations, here goes the best part~!! MAHJONG MAHJONG MAHJONG. But only with Zin Mun because MARIA was too busy playing her PS2. (haha). Wei hoe and cakie arrived at about 8pm and we start our PARTY!.


M00nie said...

haha ! u r so touched ar ...but must repay 1 wor ... cum to my hse n sweep n mop ler. cos i'm so lazy to do it.

Sim Yee Joo said...

wahahaha~!!So fast c my blog adee? not bad not bad 'mesra,cepat dan betul' LOL...

cr4zy/b3autiful said...

u paksa ppl see of cos fast jkjk...hey women,i enjoyed tht day & i saw the other side of u guys too..haha....the maternal side...haha esp angie..the lazy bum...mopped the floor & "dissect" the chicken..haha