Saturday, July 7, 2007

NATCON 2007 at UTM, Johor


National Convention (NATCON) 2007 is a conference where all Executive Board (EB) from 8 Local Committee which is UUM,USM,UPM,UKM,UM,UTM,TBS & HELP to plan and set their national directions and goals for the new term of 2007/2008. In Addition, members will be able to develope their skills and also enriching their knowsledge on AIESEC through this conference. This National Convention was held at University Technology Malaysia at Johor, Skudai. We (LC HELP) took a 12am bus from Pudu to Sri Putri, Johor. We reached earlier than we expected which is at 4am in the morning. The Organizing Committee (OC) of UTM were greatful enough to warm welcome us. I would give a thumbs up for these OC as they really did a really great job especially the OC who take cares of us (Xiang Ling) throughout the 5 days conference.

Day 1

NATCON 2007 started at noon after all LC were checked into their hostel at Kolej Tun Hussein Onn. It started with cool blasting music and of course our proud AIESEC culture, the Square Dances and Roll Calls (My Favourite). After the blasting Square Dances, The Member Committe (MC) welcomed up by introducing AIESEC knowledge and AIESEC history. It was an interesting slot as all members actually took part because the MC had turn a boring thing into something really interesting that kept all of us with full attention. Next, It was a Group discussions of Project Based on Exchange (PBox) that shall aid us in future organizing projects, and APGN focus areaTCM discussion. As for me, I had my Sub-Comm meeting with the other LC's Local Committee President (LCP) to discuss about the conpendium while the other delegates are having Connection Time and Party at the Plenary Hall.

Day 2

LC HELP Girls [Annie, YeeJoo, Hayley, Angelyn]

LC HELP'S Boys and OC [Andrew, Chad, WongHong, Xiang Ling (OC), HongHeng, Reuben, Steven]

The Day started with the usually AIESEC culture and some Recap & Refresh of Balance Score Card (BSC). It was a discussion on AIESEC vision 2010. AIESEC Vision 2010 were created to increase the volume of AIESEC experience, Connecting high potential people around the world and Activating Leaderships. Later Photo Sessions from each LCs. Right after the Photos Sessions, Back to work for the BSC 2010. Delegates are divided to their own department and they plan for their department's Goals and Critical Success Factor.

As Usually after the dinner, Sub-Comm meeting for me and fellow LCPs. The Party sessions were fun because Nick, the facilitator who was charge of games, asked us to write 2 things separately in 2 papers. On the 1st paper, we had to write down the name of the person who inspired us. On the 2nd paper, we have to write down the action that we wanted to do most for now. After we wrote, we inserted the papers inside two boxes. As the game started, Nick randomly chose the papers from the box and called out the names written. He would then need to randomly pick one paper from other box and present the action instructed on the Floor. If the action instructed is very obscene, it would add some fun to the game [This paragraph were abstract from AIESECHELP blogspot].

Day 3

MICCI, Johor Corporate Partner during Corporate Luncheon
Finally, on the 3rd Day, were the Official Opening Ceremony for NATCON 2007 and Corporate Luncheon. Corporate Partner of MICCI Johor were invited to shared the key knowledge of Success and nevertheless their their Experience at MICCI. One of the YB said that 'You have to fail, in order to become successfull because you will only learn from your mistakes'. It was a motivating quote as I agreed to what he said. Besides that, Delegates were given the opportunities questions the partners. After a long session with the corporate luncheon, All delagtes were invited for corporate lunch (buffet style).

The MCs and LCPs [Syok Sendiri]

The Girl Team of LCPs and MCs

After the Corporate Lunch, delegates are back to the Plenary and continue the discussion on Critical Success Fastor (CSF). Then, Delegates were divided into a few groups to attend HEROES 101 or AIESEC University. This class is to feed delegates with the knowledge of AIESEC in detail so that they can imply on their own respective LC. It was a great classes conducted by MC's. I really learned alot through these classes.

One of the HEROES 101 Plan

After the dinner, Annual General Meeting were held. It was a serious session were all delegates were dressed strictly formal. During the AGM, the AIESEC conpendium were released to all delegates. Besides that, AIESEC Malaysia's Financial Statements for the year 2006/2007 were released to all. There were no party for this day as the 4th Day would be a hardcore day for all delagates. But for LC HELP we still slept at 1 am because we had our LC Meet every night.

LC HELP Together with Holland and Hong Kong interns

LC HELP Group Photo

Day 4

David James session with Hayley, Angelyn and Brandon (UPM)

Happy Corner Time~!! Ethan's Birthday

Punishment Time

Me and Fadli trying to act Cool.

I would say today is a Hardcore day for all AIESECERS. Delegates were scheduled to attend various classes during Heroes 101 for their very own allocated department. The classes available were: Connection, Knowledge Management, Building Parnership and Selling, Strategies for Exchange Growth, etc. Members were divided into functional for discussion in Critical Success Factor (CSF) and annual planning.

After dinner, it was another serious session called Legislation. The content of Legislations is to set Rules and Regulations for AIESEC Malaysia and AIESEC Local Committee.

Another Group Photo while waiting to enter the plenary

The LCPs [ Cafrey (UPM), Dary (TBS), Anthony (UKM), Rene (UM), Fadli (UTM), Stefan (USM), Yan Lee (UUM), Me (HELP)

Me and Bitch No1

Right after the Legislation, the MC's and LCPs had put up a drama for delegates. This is when Night Stalks began. Delegates had to work in groups to investigate the murderer of our main character (Csilli Czikkely). The Story started with Csilli was a pretty girl, James, Ariff and William loves Csilli. Jasper Like James [The gay]. I like Jasper, Sandy likes Csilli [Lesbian] and finally Cafrey likes Sandy. It was confusing love story and delegates are suppose to find the murderer of Csilli Czikkely. And for other LCPs, (Stefan, Fadli, Yan Lee, Anthony) they are acting as ghost to scare delegates. My acting wasn't very good because I accidently laughed when everyone laughed when I said Jasper likes James and I like him. It's so weird. Anyway It was a fun session were all delagates gets together and track for the murderer [Jasper].

Last day

Michelle, Me, and Yan Lee

Bitch No1 and Bitch no2 Cam WHORING

My beloved Team Mate

LC HELP Last Day Group Photo

The LC HELP Girls

The LC HELP Boys

Last Day usually means the emo day. It was a tiring day after a 5 days insufficient good sleep. But we really had fun. I really missed the moment were all LCPs 'syok sendiri'. For that morning, Csilli briefed us on Local Committee Planning Meet. This LCPM is for LC to plan for the new term. Recaps were presented. For the Bye Bye sessions, All delagated stood side by side and sang touching and memorable songs together.

Later on, for the next session, all delegates from own respective LC have to gather in a same group and answer some questions:
1.Where am i now?
2.What i want to achieve within 3 years?
3.Why am i here for NATCON? Is the value of this organization align with my personal value?
4.How do you think AIESEC will help you in future?
5.What do u think about your members?
6.Why are we being together?
7.What you think about your LCP?
8.What is your vision of organization?

The EMO Session where all of us answering the question above

This emotional session was so significant and personal till it made a huge number of members cried. It was a touching session when my members said touching and supportive words to me. I was really greatfull as I got to know that my LC member will be supporting me to bring our LC to Probationary Status and even Full Status in 3 years time. Thanks People. I really had a great time and love you all.

Lay Genn (UM) and Me - She's from My Primary School

The MCP, Sandy and Me
Bye Bye session with the MCs and LCPs. Im gonna miss you all

I LOVE NATCON 2007 and really looking forward to NLDS 2007 at UM


M00nie said...

hey do you know that Brandon from UPM is my friend from MBS ? But we aren't very close though ...

Sim Yee Joo said...

Wah so fast you read my blog adee. He's from MBS? Cool. He is picking on Angelyn and Hayley. Funny huh