Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wei Hoe and JoOzie's 21st Birthday

Time flies and I am now 21 years old on 2nd November 2007. I celebrated my 21st Birthday at Restaurant Yook Tho Yin, Damansara Utama, PJ with Wei Hoe. It was indeed a great celebration where almost 80 friends came to wish me and celebrated my birthday with me. I am grateful to all my friends who are so thoughtful and have surprised me with wonderful gifts.

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The Birthday Girl and Boy with our cake

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Signing our Guest Book

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Our friends and relatives

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CourseMates! Thanks for coming

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Great memories with my form 6 friends

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Chicks of the night

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WongHon new job = Pork stealer

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Thank You Mum and Dad plus Brother, I love you

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Love you all, Thanks for changing me!

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Buddies who came

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Our newly born twin pigglet from my brother

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Thank You, My Friends for Your Wonderful Gifts

Many Thanks Again for Coming to My 21st Birthday. Love ya all always. Muacks


Callie O said...

I can see that you are very happy and excited on your birthday party. Your friends are so thoughtful and wonderful. You are a lucky girl, do you know that. Love. MM

Charlie said...
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Charlie said...

walau eh, JASMINE SIM YEE JOO. No wonder you wanted to take picture with me lah. Gosh, somemore you have to pimp me by putting my full name so big somemore. anyway nice birthday party, should have had the wedding ceremony together lah, help poor ppl like us save cost mah. hehe

cr4zy/b3autiful said...

Happy Birthday! So, have u rasmikan your lingerie yet? Muahahahahha